Young boy Steven Edwards is missing in Manhattan, NY; Last seen 2nd sept

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In a baffling turn of events, 32-year-old Steven Edwards has gone missing without a trace. He was last seen by his roommates on Saturday, September 2, at around 5 p.m. in his apartment located in the bustling east village of Manhattan, New York. The disappearance has left his friends and family deeply concerned, prompting a city-wide search for any leads on his whereabouts.

Described as a 5ft8 male weighing approximately 120 pounds, Steven has distinctive features including black hair, brown eyes, and a customary braided hairstyle. He also sports a beard stubble and a slight mustache, further identifying him. Notably, he has tattoos on his thighs—one of ANUBIS and another of a cat—adding to his unique physical characteristics.

On the day he went missing, Steven was wearing an orange bandana concealing his hair, a white tank top, blue jeans, and a chain. His last communication was a post on his Instagram page, heightening concerns among his social circle.

The New York Police Department’s 9th Precinct is leading the investigation. They urge anyone with information about Steven Edwards to come forward and assist in the search efforts. Concerned citizens are encouraged to contact the authorities at (212) 477-7811 or reach out to BAMFI (Black and Missing Foundation, Inc.) at 877-97-BAMFI.

The community is now banding together, hopeful for Steven’s safe return, as they anxiously await any updates in this ongoing investigation.

Categories: Trending
Source: ASIA EDU

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Madhuri Shetty
Manoj Gadtaula

Manoj Gadtaula is a young Indian man from Mangalore who is constantly on the lookout for new things and loves to explore. Madhuri has a great passion for helping others and motivating people. She researched the careers, biographies, lifestyles, and net worths of celebrities..

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